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Wrinkles and details were looked into heavily as this was a primary focus when sculpting a rhino due to its rough and

This project focuses on achieving realism by capturing the 'essence' of a Rhino. I had to look into rhino anatomy, it's form, proportions and physiques to determine an accurate representation. 

3D Model CGI Photorelism Rhino Sculpt Design VFX. Wrinkle maps, high-fidelity details. Micro-level detail pores.
3D Model CGI Photorelism Rhino Sculpt Design VFX. Wrinkle maps, high-fidelity details. Micro-level detail pores.
3D Model CGI Photorelism Rhino Sculpt Design VFX. Wrinkle maps, high-fidelity details. Micro-level detail pores.
3D Model CGI Photorelism Rhino Sculpt Design VFX. Wrinkle maps, high-fidelity details. Micro-level detail pores.
3D Model CGI Photorelism Rhino Sculpt Design VFX. Wrinkle maps, high-fidelity details. Micro-level detail pores.
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